Henry Hurley Couch

Henry is TWO years old.  It's so hard to believe!  He is definitely big for his age!  99% percentile across the board.  People often think he is older than he is.

He is such an active little guy who LOVES to be outside on his bike!  

Interestingly enough, Henry is extremely shy and unsure of new people.  But once he gets to know you, he will ask about you often!  His favorite words are currently: lawn mower, bicycle, big truck and guitar.  His loves include: going to school, playing on the playground at school, reading books, looking for lawn movers and big trucks, playing his guitar, drinking milk, riding bikes with daddy, cleaning, and feeding his dog!  He's so much fun to be around unless he is tired!  Then, watch out!

I still find it hard to believe he went from this...

To this...
In just two years!  

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