Thursday, December 10, 2015

Playtime Buddies

Henry loves that Cora is getting bigger!  He's starting to realize he has someone to play with!  Cora adores Henry!  She just watches him and giggles at him!  These pics are from the other night.  Henry is lacking pants because he pooped on them.  I thought he may be able to start a new trend with his diaper/vest combo!  

Thanksgiving Holiday

I didn't get many pictures over Thanksgiving because unfortunately, Justin and I both had a stomach bug for the majority of the time.  Fun times!  We went to LR to celebrate with family and here are a few pics from the week.
The Zoo:
Henry, Harper, Justin, Leland, and Nancy went to the zoo.  Henry loved the train!  He really liked the animals too, but the lion scared him.  He is still talking about it.  He says "lion scared me!"
Henry got his second haircut ever.  He was such a good boy!  It is true...candy can help everything with a toddler!
Cora's Firsts:
Miss Cora had a big week too!  First time wearing a bow in her sweet hair and her first time wearing jeans and boots.  
Cousinly Love:
Henry and Harper spent some time playing and getting to know each other.  Harper is seriously the sweetest!  She loves to give hugs!  Henry didn't mind hugging her back either.  The cutest!!!

Thanksgiving Feast

Henry's school has a Thanksgiving Feast every year.  I had NO idea that it was such a big deal.  They made costumes!  
(Check out Henry's death stare!)
They even made their own place mats!  
It was awesome!  Henry had the best time and he was so excited that his Nana and Mimi were able to come and eat with him.  
He LOVED the food!  This surprised me the most!  He ate stuffing, corn, potatoes, green beans, and even cranberries.  He spit the turkey out (which I kind of expected), but I was glad he tried it.  
It was hilarious.  My mom tried to share a piece of pumpkin cake with Henry and he made it very clear that she was going to need to get her own piece.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Since Justin has been recovering from surgery (he's doing well by the way!), we have been spending a lot of time close to home.  Luckily, the weather has been pretty amazing, so Henry has been able to get outside and "ride bike" as he likes to say.  He's getting so good at balancing and gliding on his bike!  Here are a couple of pictures of Henry riding his bike at the park last weekend when my parents were in town.
Photo credit goes to my dad!
Photo credit goes to my dad!
I think I've mentioned this before, but Cora really wants to crawl.  I mean really want to!  She's getting closer, but she's not quite there yet.  It's still so crazy to me how fast these babies grow!  
In other news, she is becoming quite the skilled little driver!  This is currently her favorite thing to do!  It's pretty cute!  

I'll leave you with this sweetness.  When you say kiss, Henry immediately makes a fish face and dives right on in.  Hopefully, they will love each other this much forever!!!!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Justin goes under the knife.

Justin had surgery.  

A recent fall combined with a history of abusing his knees caused Justin's meniscus to tear pretty badly about three weeks ago.  In addition to that, his ACL was essentially nonexistent.  He went in to have his right knee overhauled by Dr. Coker at noon yesterday.  His doctor said surgery went well, and he has some intense physical therapy ahead of him.  I got him home late yesterday afternoon, and he seems to be doing pretty well this morning.  Hopefully all of this will allow him to keep up with his son, Mr. Wild Man Henry!  I know he would appreciate a prayer or two!
I will say this, Justin is absolutely hilarious on drugs!
(I hope he doesn't kill me for including documented evidence of this!)


Monday, October 26, 2015

Pictures from the Weekend...

We had a very low-key weekend watching football (WPS! Go Hogs!) and hanging with Justin's brothers who were in town for the game.  I tried to make Henry take some pictures with me to document that my children do in fact have a mother (I HATE being in pictures with a passion!). 
Future Razorbacks?!

Henry's touching Cora's head.
Here Henry's telling Cora that
football is on!  Good big brother!

And this is how we finished off the weekend...
Because a fire is completely normal when it's 55 degrees out!  Right?!  Actually, Justin had this fire built in the fireplace for almost two weeks.  His desperation to burn it just got too great for him to bear.  I guess someone is ready for winter!  

Friday, October 23, 2015

Cora tries vegetables!

Cora is approaching the 7 month mark, and her pediatrician said that we needed to get on the ball with introducing her to baby food.  Interestingly enough, he said that she needs to be eating for the practice, and not for the actual nourishment.  Shes' tried rice and oat cereal, so last night we tried a pea, carrot, and beet puree.  

She seemed to like the actual eating part, but I don't think she cared too much for the taste of the vegetables.  She made some pretty funny faces!    
Here's a little video!  Apparently, I'm really into capturing as many moments on video as possible!  You'll notice Mr. Henry in the background eating a chip!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Henry wants to be a Rock Star!

So our little man loves guitars, and I really think he may want to be a rocker (or a lawn man, but that's another post)!  He loves to play his toy guitar, listen to real guitars on the radio, watch people play guitars, and look at guitars in his books.  He has gotten to the point that he can even identify a guitar being played on the radio.  Now that he's talking more and more, he's beginning to add lyrics to the little "tunes" he likes to play on his Elmo guitar.  "Happy Birthday" is his current hit!

Something else he's really into these days is watching himself in videos.  The kids is obsessed!  Each night he will bring me my iPhone and say his version of the word "video."  It's pretty cute!  (Justin and I do occassionally look at each other and mouth "Is this bad that he's so into waching himself?!?  Are we creating an egotistical monster?")  So I will open the video folder on my phone, and let Henry go to town watching himself in the videos I've taken.  I took the video below last weekend, and I must say that I captured a pretty great performance by Henry the Rocker!  He's probably watched this specific video like 25 times since I recorded it.   You'll notice at the end that he immediatley wants to watch his performance.  I'll let you all know if he decides to take it out on the road!
Henry singing "Happy Birthday"

Monday, October 19, 2015

Sweet Baby Cora.

Our sweet Cora is almost 7 months old.  I can't believe it!  She's such a pleasant, little baby and we love her so much.  She's definitely growing like a weed!  She had her 6 month shots last week, and we learned at the appointment that she is in the 90th percentile for height and in the 50th percentile for weight!  Long and lean!  Surprisingly, she still has blue eyes!  The doctor said there is a chance that they will stay blue, but with Justin and my eye color being darker, he thinks they will eventually get darker, too.  This month Cora has started eating a little baby cereal, and you can tell that she really wants to crawl!  As much as I would LOVE for her to crawl, two mobile little ones scares me!
Obligatory 6 Month Photo.

Cora's first time trying rice cereal.

Of course, Henry wants Cora's baby toys!

Henry is starting to realize that Cora is 
a real person that he can play with!

Henry loves Chili.

When little ones start to talk, I'm learning how funny they can be!  Henry is now a little over two, and he is repeating so much of what we say.  Some of the things we hear come out of his mouth cause us to bust out in laughter.  This week, his Mimi (my mom) made him chili.  So as he was eating his "chili," I had to capture his interpretation of the word...