Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Henry wants to be a Rock Star!

So our little man loves guitars, and I really think he may want to be a rocker (or a lawn man, but that's another post)!  He loves to play his toy guitar, listen to real guitars on the radio, watch people play guitars, and look at guitars in his books.  He has gotten to the point that he can even identify a guitar being played on the radio.  Now that he's talking more and more, he's beginning to add lyrics to the little "tunes" he likes to play on his Elmo guitar.  "Happy Birthday" is his current hit!

Something else he's really into these days is watching himself in videos.  The kids is obsessed!  Each night he will bring me my iPhone and say his version of the word "video."  It's pretty cute!  (Justin and I do occassionally look at each other and mouth "Is this bad that he's so into waching himself?!?  Are we creating an egotistical monster?")  So I will open the video folder on my phone, and let Henry go to town watching himself in the videos I've taken.  I took the video below last weekend, and I must say that I captured a pretty great performance by Henry the Rocker!  He's probably watched this specific video like 25 times since I recorded it.   You'll notice at the end that he immediatley wants to watch his performance.  I'll let you all know if he decides to take it out on the road!
Henry singing "Happy Birthday"

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